Step 3: Configure Settings
Configure Settings
to start customizing your bot.Use the arrow keys to navigate through the fields and enter values as prompted.
Configuration Fields:
Enter your wallet’s private key. (Ensure your private key is accurate and stored securely.)solAmountIn:
Enter the amount of SOL to allocate per trade. Example:0.001
Set the fee for buying via Jito for optimal speed. Example:0.0002
Set the fee for selling via Jito. Example:0.0002
Set your desired profit percentage. Example:100
(this doubles your investment).stopLoss:
Set your stop-loss percentage to manage risk. Example:99
Enter the minimum profit percentage to lock in if the market pulls back. Example:25
Define the number of simultaneous trades allowed. Example:10
Set the minimum SOL threshold for developer buys during token launches. Example:1
Set the maximum SOL threshold for developer buys. Example:20
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